Barin Foundatin

Barin Foundation, with registration number 28935, has been operating in the Welfare Organization since 1390 and has so far covered more than 5,000 students from primary school to university and has played a direct role in the construction and operation of more than 40 schools. School building is a top priority.

How to create a better world?

A smile can be gifted to the children of this land. We can play a crucial role in their growth and education.
They are the ones who are going to build the future of this country.


A one-class school in the village of Qashlaglu

A one-class school was opened in the village of Qashlaqlou, Qorveh, Kurdistan, with the participation of the Barin Foundation and the school renovation organization and the presence of a respected philanthropist and a group of provincial officials in Kurdistan province on 26/10/2022. This […]

A nine-class school in Andisheh town of Borujerd

The groundbreaking ceremony of this nine-class school was held in the presence of Mr. Dr. Hafizi, Respected President of the National School Benefactors Association, representative of the Barin Foundation, and a group of provincial officials. The school began operating in 2020. It should […]

A three-class primary school in Suleiman Mosque

The construction of a three-class primary school in Suleiman Mosque was started in 2018 and completed in 2020 with the efforts of the Barin Foundation and the cooperation of the school renovation organization in Khuzestan province. This school was named after the benevolent […]

Barin Foundation

Barin Charity Foundation (Saleh) was registered in 2011 with the registration number 28935 in Welfare Organization of the country.The main mission of this institute is to support homeless children or bad guardian Children also construction and repair of schools and educational centers in the country. Brin Foundation has more than 1000 students during its 7 years of activity covered from elementary school to university and more than 20 schools are in operation and under construction

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